Piercings - Nails - Tooth Gems

meet symphony!

Meet Symphony, the talented piercer at Frosted Ink Tattoos! With a passion for body art and a keen eye for detail, Symphony brings an unparalleled level of expertise to every piercing session.

Symphony’s dedication to her craft is truly inspiring. She takes the time to understand each client’s unique vision and works tirelessly to bring it to life. Whether you’re looking for a simple ear piercing or a more intricate design, Symphony has the skills and creativity to make it happen.

At Frosted Ink Tattoos, Symphony is known for her precision and professionalism. Clients rave about her friendly demeanor and calming presence, making the piercing experience not only safe but also enjoyable.

If you’re considering getting a new piercing or simply want to upgrade your current collection, look no further than Symphony at Frosted Ink Tattoos. With her expertise and passion for body art, you’re sure to leave feeling confident and fabulous!


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Please follow her on social media platforms... Just click on the icon

Tooth Gems Coming soon!!!

Please follow her on social media platforms... Just click on the icon