
What Does a Tattoo Apprentice Do?

Becoming a tattoo artist is a journey that often begins with a tattoo apprenticeship. As someone who has gone through this process, I can attest to the invaluable experience it provides.

The primary role of a tattoo apprentice is to learn the craft from seasoned professionals. This involves closely observing the work of established tattoo artists, studying their techniques, and gaining hands-on experience. Apprentices don’t simply watch from the sidelines – they actively participate in the process, practicing their skills and honing their artistry.

Beyond the technical aspects of tattooing, apprentices also learn the business side of the industry. They gain insights into managing a tattoo studio, dealing with clients, and navigating the legal and regulatory requirements. This holistic approach ensures that apprentices develop a well-rounded understanding of the profession.

Importantly, tattoo apprentices don’t just passively absorb information – they actively contribute to the studio’s operations. They may assist with tasks such as stencil-making, equipment maintenance, and even working on smaller tattoo designs. This hands-on involvement allows them to apply their learning and build a portfolio of work.

The apprenticeship period is crucial for aspiring tattoo artists, as it provides the foundation for a successful career. By immersing themselves in the industry, apprentices develop the necessary skills, knowledge, and confidence to eventually become respected and sought-after tattoo artists in their own right.

In conclusion, a tattoo apprenticeship is an invaluable stepping stone for those seeking to turn their passion for art into a fulfilling career. It’s a transformative experience that equips aspiring tattoo artists with the tools and expertise needed to thrive in this dynamic and rewarding field.

Their daily routine includes:

  • Disinfection and cleaning of workstations
  • Proper handling of disposable tattoo supplies
  • Dealing with clients
  • Designing tattoos
  • Using and maintaining tattoo equipment
  • Tattooing (as the apprenticeship goes on)
  • Following up with clients and booking appointments
  • Answer phones
  • Cleaning the shop daily
  • Sell products sold at the shop


How many days a week is a tattoo apprenticeship?

When it comes to tattoo apprenticeships, the typical schedule can vary, but from my personal experience, most apprentices are expected to work between 3 to 5 days per week, with weekends often included.

The tattoo industry is highly demanding, and apprenticeships are designed to provide comprehensive training and hands-on experience. Apprentices need to dedicate a significant amount of time to hone their skills, learn the intricacies of the craft, and familiarize themselves with the day-to-day operations of a tattoo studio.

Working 3 to 5 days a week allows apprentices to immerse themselves in the apprenticeship fully. This schedule ensures they have ample time to practice their techniques, observe experienced tattoo artists, and assist with various tasks in the studio. The inclusion of weekends is also common, as tattoo shops often experience their busiest periods during the weekends when clients have more free time.

The specific number of days may vary depending on the individual apprenticeship program, the mentor’s preferences, and the apprentice’s progress. Some programs may require a more intensive schedule, while others may be more flexible. Regardless, the goal is to provide the apprentice with a comprehensive learning experience that prepares them for a successful career as a professional tattoo artist.


How many hours a week is a tattoo apprenticeship?

Regarding tattoo apprenticeships, the number of hours per week can vary greatly depending on the specific program and mentor. We tend to be quite flexible, allowing apprentices to maintain a part-time job to support themselves during training.

The general consensus seems to be that the more time you can dedicate to your apprenticeship, the faster you’ll be able to complete the program and become a fully-fledged tattoo artist. We recommend aiming for at least 20-30 hours per week if not more, to immerse yourself in the learning process truly.

This intensive hands-on training is crucial, as tattoo apprenticeships are designed to transform you from a novice into a skilled, confident tattoo artist. The more time you can commit, the quicker you’ll develop the necessary technical abilities, artistic sensibilities, and client-facing skills to thrive in this creative field.


Do tattoo apprentices get paid?

Our apprentices are unpaid for the first 1-2 years of their apprenticeship. During this time, they are dedicating long hours to learning the craft, practicing on practice skin, and assisting the shop’s tattoo artists with various tasks. The apprentice’s primary focus is honing their skills and building a strong foundation in tattooing.

However, once the apprentice reaches a point where they are deemed ready to start tattooing clients, they will typically transition to an “apprentice split” arrangement. This means the shop will take a certain percentage of the money earned from the apprentice’s tattoos, while the apprentice gets to keep the rest, including any tips they receive. This allows the apprentice to earn an income from their work while still receiving guidance and oversight from the more experienced artists in the shop.

Ultimately, the unpaid apprenticeship period is a necessary investment in developing the skills and techniques required to become a professional tattoo artist. While it may be challenging financially, the hands-on training and mentorship provided during this time are invaluable for aspiring tattooists.


How long does it take to start tattooing in a tattoo apprenticeship?

Regarding tattoo apprenticeships, the timeline for starting to actually tattoo can vary, but it’s typically around a year into the program. We start by having apprentices work the front desk and learn the ins and outs of running a tattoo shop before transitioning them into hands-on tattooing.

After that initial year of learning the business side, mentors will usually start showing apprentices how to handle the tattoo equipment and practice on fake skin. This allows them to develop the necessary technical skills and muscle memory before ever working on a client. The apprentice will continue practicing on fake skin for several months, gradually building their confidence and abilities.

Only once the mentor is satisfied with the apprentice’s skills and proficiency will they start allowing them to tattoo real clients, typically under close supervision at first. This gradual approach helps ensure the apprentice is fully prepared and can provide quality, safe work.

So, in summary, while the exact timeline can vary, it’s common for tattoo apprentices to spend around a year learning the ropes before they actually start tattooing. The mentor’s top priority is making sure the apprentice is ready, both technically and professionally, to provide excellent service to clients. It’s a thorough process that’s essential for becoming a skilled, responsible tattoo artist.


How long do you have to be a tattoo apprentice?

The length of the apprenticeship can vary significantly when it comes to becoming a professional tattoo artist. There is no set timeline, as the period is largely determined by the mentor’s assessment of the apprentice’s readiness.

Several key factors can influence the duration of the apprenticeship. Firstly, the apprentice’s natural artistic talent and ability to quickly grasp the technical skills of tattooing play a crucial role. Those who demonstrate a strong aptitude for drawing, handling the tattoo machine, and understanding the fundamentals of tattoo design may progress through the apprenticeship more rapidly.

The mentor’s teaching style and the apprentice’s learning pace are also important considerations. Some mentors may take a more hands-on approach, closely guiding the apprentice through each step, while others may encourage more independent learning and problem-solving. The apprentice’s ability to absorb and apply the lessons the mentor provides can significantly impact the length of the training period.

Additionally, the complexity of the tattoos the apprentice is allowed to work on can be a determining factor. As the apprentice gains experience and confidence, they are typically granted the opportunity to work on more intricate designs, which can extend the apprenticeship duration as they hone their skills.

Ultimately, the apprenticeship is not about adhering to a rigid timeline but rather about the apprentice demonstrating the necessary technical proficiency, artistic vision, and client-handling skills to the mentor’s satisfaction. When the mentor feels the apprentice is ready to transition into a professional tattoo artist, the apprenticeship will come to a successful conclusion, regardless of the specific duration.


How Long Does It Take To Complete A Tattoo Apprenticeship?

When it comes to completing a tattoo apprenticeship, the duration can vary, but the average range is typically between one to three years. However, at Frosted Ink Tattoos, we’ve found a way to streamline the process and reduce the apprenticeship timeline to around one year.

Unlike traditional apprenticeships, where apprentices are often tasked with menial duties like scrubbing toilets, fetching coffee, or washing cars, our approach is focused solely on the essential skills and techniques required to become a proficient tattoo artist. We believe that this targeted training, without unnecessary distractions, allows our apprentices to progress more efficiently and reach the level of expertise needed to start tattooing clients in a shorter timeframe.

While a one-year apprenticeship may seem like a significant commitment, it’s important to remember that the art of tattooing requires a deep understanding of anatomy, design, and technical proficiency. Rushing through the process can lead to subpar work and potentially put clients at risk. Our approach strikes a balance between providing a comprehensive education and minimizing the time investment, ensuring that our apprentices are well-prepared to embark on their tattooing careers.

Ultimately, the length of a tattoo apprenticeship can vary, but at Frosted Ink Tattoos, we’ve found a way to deliver a high-quality, focused training program that can be completed in approximately one year rather than the traditional three-year timeframe. This allows our apprentices to start their professional journey sooner while maintaining the necessary skills and expertise to provide exceptional tattoo services to their clients.


Complete the Frosted Ink Apprenticeship Application if you are interested